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The feature to change photo background is coming to Instagram! How will it work?

Ana sayfa / Social Media

In recent years, technology giants have turned their attention to artificial intelligence. Companies allocate a significant portion of their resources to develop in this field. As a result, artificial intelligence-supported features are offered.

Instagram, owned by Meta, continues to provide features requested by users. The world’s largest social media platform has recently begun to be equipped with artificial intelligence-based features based on user demands. Another feature related to this has recently been made available. Here are the details of the innovation…

Instagram introduced the feature of creating stickers via Stories a few weeks ago announced. Following the highly acclaimed artificial intelligence-supported feature, background changing is now available to users.

Meta’s artificial intelligence leader Ahmad Al-DahleThreads According to the information conveyed, users will be able to enter an argument to create a new background. For example, you can change the background of a photo you took of yourself at home with the Eiffel Tower by giving an argument such as “Take me to Paris.”

Artificial intelligence is in social media trends! Here is Meta’s new algorithm, Emu!

Artificial intelligence has also begun to direct social media trends. New AI image generator trained with Emu Meta data.

When a user shares their photo with a changed background as a story, other users will see a recommendation to try this feature themselves when they see this story.

The photo background changing feature for Instagram Stories is currently only available in the United States. It is expected to be available for other countries soon. A date for this has not been shared, but predictions point to the coming weeks.

So what do you think about this issue? How do you like the Instagram background changing feature? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.

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